Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A thought on communication and the spy culture of modern Britain

This morning, I was reading the Finnish tabloid Iltalehti online. The paper reports that soon, maybe even later this year, the use of mobile phones will be allowed on European flights. So soon there is no more of travelling without having to listen to the ugly, or boring, or sick details of someone’s life. I travel by aeroplane about three times a year and truly appreciate the fact that it remains the last means of travelling where ringing and beeping of mobiles is non-existent.

But this is the direction of development. Modern technology penetrates every aspect of our lives. It was only a matter of time they figured out a way of using mobiles up in the air safely. In fact, it is more of a surprise it wasn’t done already.

No one might realise just yet, but a twist in the way we communicate might be lurking just around the corner. Yesterday it emerged that the UK government is planning a database where all e-mail messages and phone calls could be saved. We are talking about every single e-mail anyone sends, every single phone call anyone makes. And it doesn't end there; they also want to keep records of time spent online. It sounds outrageous and that is exactly what it is. This is yet another blow to anyone who hopes to cling on to the sense of freedom and privacy we once had. Life is becoming more and more monitored. New ideas to control and restrict are constantly put forward by those in power- all in the name of national and international security. Just look at the demands the police and some politicians are making to be able to hold supposedly innocent people for up to 90 days just because they fit the stereotype of an Islamic terrorist. Britain is following in the lead of USA and we are stepping into the culture of fear and law suits to anyone for anything. What is there to do?

Back to the point: communication. If the government was to follow their horrible plan of establishing a super-database for all e-mails, people are left with only one safe and private way of communication. That is the old-fashioned letter. They cannot open all your hand written letters and save a copy. It will take more time to write, but at least your thoughts will be what they should be- private. It is a curious thought how things may turn backwards when the spying tentacles of modern life become too much to handle.